
Hsc 2024 3rd Weak Assignment Biology Answer

In the third week assignment published for the HSC candidates for 2024 with the aim of evaluating the alternative method, the second paper of Biology of the students of the science department has been given the title of classification of the animals of Cordata period on the basis of characteristics from the diversity and classification of life.

Based on the assignment features of the second paper of the Biology Department of the Science Department for the third week of the HSC examination of 2024, I brought the selected samples for the answer readers.

Hsc 2024 3rd Weak Assignment Biology

In the third week, the HSC candidates of 2024 have been given the second assignment of Biology second paper from the variety and classification of animals in the first chapter of the text book.

Here are the questions of the second assignment of the second paper of Biology for the students of the science department participating in the HSC examination of 2024 from all the general education boards of the country.

The picture below gives the details of HSC Exam 2024 third week assignment Biology


Subject: Biology 2nd Paper, Assignment Number: 2, Chapter 1: Variety and Classification of Animals

Assignment: Classification of animals in the Cordata period on the basis of characteristics

Instructions (signal / step / circumference):

1. The textbook should read the classification of Cordata episodes in which there are 3 sub-episodes, 2 episodes and a total of 12 classes.

2. Fifteen pieces of paper should be made according to the list below, each of which will have a feature written on it. What is written on a piece should not be distorted from the outside, so that it is possible to draw lottery from there by folding them.

(List does not have to be presented in assignment)

3. Fifteen features of the table should be written on fifteen pieces of paper and folded and placed in five separate lottery boxes according to the group.

For example: Group-1 box will have 5, Group-2 box will have 2 etc.

4. In addition, in order to win the lottery in a box, one has to write a number on each of the ten papers and fold them: 123, 124, 125, 134, 135, 145, 234, 235, 245, 345. The name of this box will be Gup-X.

5. At the beginning of each round you have to pick up a piece of paper without looking to be Gup-X. Suppose, 134 written paper rises. Then one paper has to be taken from Group-1, Group-3 and Group-4.

Suppose, from those three groups, came up with lame skin, a four-chambered heart, and warm blood.

6. Find out if there are classes that have these three features. In this case it is Mammalia 7 Why the name of this class is written, not the class in another corner, should be explained in the box specified in the assignment table below.

. If those three characteristics are lame skin, four-chambered heart and cold blood, then it will not fall into any category.

In this case, the first two attributes of the mentioned example should be written in one of the categories and the other attribute should be written in the cells specified in the assignment table below.

7. When one row of the table is filled in this way, one round will be completed, then the soaked papers should be placed in the prescribed pile box again and step 57 should be repeated. Thus you have to finish 5 rounds.

Although it is very unlikely that the three feature sets will match exactly in two different rounds (one-third of 236), if that happens, that round will have to be canceled and a new lottery will have to be held.

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Hsc 2024 3rd Weak Assignment Biology Answer

A selected sample answer has been prepared for you by following the instructions for writing the HSC Exam Assignment Assessment 2024 and the assessment Rubisco Assignment written in the Biology subject assignment in the third week.

The National Curriculum and Textbook was prepared in accordance with the 2024 SSC examination given by the Board of Secondary and Higher Education on the basis of the biology features of the third week assignment of the Department of Science.





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Siam Shihab

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