
Fahmida along with her brothers and sisters cheered

Dear students, today I will narrate to you a story of Fahmida. In this article, you will see a day of Fahmida with her family members. Fahmida along with her brothers and sisters cheered.

Fahmida loves eating. Both of her parents are good cooks but she is very fond of her father’s cooking. Mr. Rahman tries different new items. It was a weekend and raining heavily outside. Mr. Rahman declared, “Hey guys, I’m going to cook for you today”. Fahmida along with her brothers and sisters cheered- Yeeh! Mrs. Rahman said….

See more: Class 6 11th Weak Assignment English And Ict

Class 6 11th Weak Assignment English

Eleventh Week Sixth Grade Students English Fourth Assignment is taken from Lesson No. 6 Its Smell Good in the textbook; Here students will read a short paragraph about Fahmida and her family cooking and write a completing story.

The following picture details the assignment of English subject in the eleventh week of sixth class


Class 6 11th Weak Assignment English Answer

Fahmida’s One Day

Fahmida loves eating. Both of her parents are good cooks but she is very fond of her father’s cooking. Mr. Rahman tries different new items. It was a weekend and raining heavily outside. Mr. Rahman declared, “Hey guys, I’m going to cook for you today”.

Fahmida along with her brothers and sisters cheered- Yeeh! Mrs. Rahman said, “Won’t you sing a song now?” Fahmida started a song.They all were singing ‘aji jhoro jhoro mukhoro badolo dine’.

After a few moments, Mr. Rahman said, “Go everybody and wash your hands”. Fahmida assured her father that she was going. Her brothers and sisters also have gone. They were very excited.

Reaching back, they saw their mother prepared the table. Mr. Rahman cooked ‘morogpolau’ which was very favourite to them.

Seeing this favorite dish, they couldn’t wait for a minute. Fahmida said, “It smells good!” All started to eat with yummy tastes. Fahmida along with her brothers and sisters said, ” It tastes so delicious”.

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Siam Shihab

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